Coaching You to Thrive In Ministry and Life

"The righteous flourish like the palm tree and grow like a cedar in Lebanon.  They are planted in the house of the Lord;
they flourish in the courts of our God." - Psalm 92:12-13, ESV

When I began meeting with Pat, I had already begun looking for a different ministry position. I assumed that the roadblocks I was facing in my church were insurmountable. By God’s grace, Pat helped me to understand why the roadblocks were there and how to push through them. My church is now entering one of the most exciting seasons of my 12 years.
— Ryan, Lead Pastor

White Cedar Consulting connects pastors, ministry staff, faith-based nonprofit leaders, and missionaries with seasoned coaching to grow their ministry impact.

White Cedar Consulting Pat Wester - Individual Coaching for Pastors and Ministry Staff

Individual Coaching for Pastors and Ministry Staff

White Cedar Consulting Pat Wester Group Coaching for Church Staffs and Faith-Based Organizations

Group Coaching for Church Staffs and Faith-Based Organizations